Speaking Engagements

Thank you for your interest!
Our team is available to speak on a variety of topics including:
Social Entrepreneurship, Financial Sustainability, Scaling, Strategic Planning, Nonprofit Impact and Effectiveness, Revenue Diversification, Major Gifts Fundraising and more...
Past Topics Include:
Thinking Bigger, Being Bolder: Scaling Your Nonprofit & Ensuring Sustainability
The Impact Imperative: Aligning Your Life With Your Impact
Strategic Plans, Social Gains: Strategic Planning for Nonprofits
- Transforming Nonprofits: Breaking the Cycle of Fundraising Dependency
- Realizing the Full Value of a Vision: Revenue Streams & Your Nonprofit
Speaker may also serve as an interviewer for female nonprofit leaders or can sit on a panel to discuss the challenges of being a social entrepreneur, a female business owner and mother, or any topic listed above.
Day of Event Needs:
"Kate is an exceptional speaker that can hold any audience captive as she clearly explains a concept, company or campaign. She’s completely personable and simultaneously professional, exceptionally smart and charismatic. Kate is one of those rare and wondrous people that you just want to stand back and watch in admiration.”
- Juanita, Research Institute Director of Instruction & Research

"Kate's journey is incredible. It gave me hope to see someone else who struggled to find the best fit for her, now thriving. I loved her attitude of gaining something from every experience while still moving forward. Thank you for taking the time to share your story with us!”
- Delaney, University Speaking Engagement